Juspy Set for Big Things in 2018

jupseyA new product developed by Leonie Lynch in Moorepark Technology Limited is set to launch this Autumn. The product is called Juspy and it is being marketed as a nourishing boost for women on the go.

It is a dairy and cacao based beverage with an array of natural ingredients. The concept for this beverage was thought up of by Leonie when she was pregnant with her second child in 2015 when she noticed a gap in the market for nutritional supplements for mums to be.

Over the last 14 months the product has been developed in MTL and the formulations are now ready for market.

There is a lot of confidence in Juspy judging by the investments to date from Enterprise Ireland. Also Juspy is receiving credible media attention of late.

Just yesterday, Juspy was subject to an article by the Irish times. The link to the story can be found here https://www.irishtimes.com/business/innovation/new-innovator-juspy-1.3499155